Sunday, December 11, 2011

LF warehouse sale

I woke up at 430 am, and drove 1 hour and 20 minutes to downtown LA for the LF sale I mentioned in my earlier blog. Luckily my good friend Kim arrived earlier than I did and was 3rd in line. I did not want to cut in line with her, but with the beckoning of the lady in front, my boyfriend and I made our way through. Poor Allen had to come along, and was the ONLY boy there. The sale was supposed to start at 7 am, but did not until 30 minutes after. It was very, VERY cold. I wore a dress and comfy flats because I wanted to be able to try on clothes quickly because fitting rooms are a hassle during sales, and trying on shoes is also a hassle if you're wearing boots. It was wrong to wear those while waiting, but inside they proved effective. When the doors opened, Kim immediately ran to the size 6 table and grab everything that were "cute" in sight. I grabbed only a few items that I liked, and went to look for clothes.They had tables and table of clothes, and racks of jeans, but I did not purchase any clothing beside a dress, because the fitting room was communal. Girls were undressing in a big room without stalls or any form of privacy. I do not think anyone besides me. There weren't even mirrors everywhere so it was impossible to try and see myself, so I decided not to buy clothes. The sale also sold jewelry and accessories, but with earrings costing $7, and flats at $15, I resorted to mostly shoes. I had to control myself, so I only bought 2 flats and 2 boots. I wanted to buy everything, but Kim, and Allen stopped me, and I am SO SAD that they did, but I guess I should be grateful, haha. I will now post up the pictures of the shoes I bought from the sale.

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